Thankamma Mathi was born on August 21, 1934 to Koshy and Aleyamma Yohannan of Valyakochethu House in Elanthoor, Kerala, India. Thankamma was the eldest of 5 siblings and had a simple but happy life. Some things she spoke of regarding her childhood included helping her father with various tasks around their rural home, spending a lot of time with her many nearby relatives, playing in the canal behind their house, going to church and especially enjoying midnight mass at Christmas time, and looking after a few goats, one of which she lovingly called Kutapen.
Thankamma grew up in an Orthodox Christian home with a strong foundation of faith in God. Her father was very keen on education and Thankamma studied in nearby schools until she reached 10th grade. At that time, a cousin who was a Seventh-day Adventist, helped her attend the Adventist boarding school in Kottarakara for her final year of high-school. After completing high-school she left her home and went to Nuzvid to pursue a degree in nursing.
Thankamma attended nursing school at Giffard Seventh-day Adventist Memorial Hospital in Nuzvid, and during this time made the decision to convert to the Seventh-day Adventist faith. During her time at nursing school, she developed many friendships that continue to this day. Thankamma graduated on April 19, 1959 and the following day, she married her fellow nursing student, Victor Mathi and the two began their lives together.
After their wedding, Victor and Thankamma lived on the campus and continued to work as nurses in Giffard Memorial Hospital. During this time, they were blessed with three children, Swarna, Shirley and Sam. They lived happily in Nuzvid with their children and friends until Victor obtained a new job in Canada. Seeking a better life with greater opportunities for their children, Victor came to Canada in 1966 and 11 months later, Thankamma and their three children joined him to start the next chapter of their life. After settling into their new life in Canada, they were blessed with their fourth child, Sujatha. They worked nearly 30 years at Branson Hospital in North York, and continued to live in the fellowship of their dear friends and church family.
Thankamma and Victor worked extremely hard throughout their lives. Thankamma worked full-time as a nurse, while also taking care of her husband and four children. Thankamma always kept herself busy with activity and you could rarely find her taking a break. While supporting her own family, she also helped countless relatives back in India, helping to provide education, homes, or any financial support that was needed. Both Thankamma and Victor were extremely kind and generous and made personal sacrifices to improve the lives of others. Thankamma and Victor were married for over 54 years until Victor passed away in August 2013.
In the year 2000, Thankamma became a proud grandmother, and soon had seven grandchildren that filled her heart and her home. Her grandchildren, Lydia, Emmanuel, Bradley, Abigail, Amelia, Daniel and Jeremy, each have a close relationship with their Ammachi and have many memories of her wonderful cooking, funny childhood stories, and witty advice for their lives.
In the year 2016, Thankamma’s life changed abruptly, when a small tumour was found on her spine, which left her unable to walk. Despite the challenges in her life, Thankamma remained kind and cheerful, and often expressed her gratitude to God for the wonderful life he had given her. Thankamma was able to live in her own home surrounded by her family and she was very grateful for that comfort. She was always caring and concerned for others, and was so grateful for the love and kindness of those who cared for her.
Thankamma passed peacefully to her rest on June 11, 2020 after a short period in the hospital, with her final days in the company of the children she loved so much.
Thankamma was the anchor of her family, and cherished by her children and grandchildren. She was a gracious host and really enjoyed cooking for her many friends and family. Thankamma was always happy to have the noise of company in her home. She was kind, loyal, patient, funny, devoted, faithful, thoughtful and peaceful. If you knew her, you were blessed. She will be dearly missed.